The company ROCE driver from Pula, deals with the production of machines for's trade elements
Tools - manufacture, sale, Special machines, locksmith
Contact info
52100 Pula, HR
Telephone: 052 / 388500
Responsible person: Damir Roce
Other info
Foundation year: 1990

Working hours

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About us

ROCE d.o.o. is a company from Pula, founded in 1990 , is engaged in the production of machines for locksmiths . Experience of the company comes from many years of metal processing in the shipyards , equipment setup and traditional forging , to finally create a tradition of production machines . Roca machines are the perfect choice for all craftsmen that produce wrought iron , black and stainless steel hardware, mainly due to the fact that in their built- quality and innovative components . Also , Roca is representative of the more prominent European manufacturers of machines and their associated equipment . Another strength of this company is the Pula and service that its speed , and having available spare parts , offers customers reliable service .

Contact and location
ROCE d.o.o.

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