Company GYNENOVA GINEKOLOŠKA POLIKLINIKA from Split, Manuš deals with Medical services-Gynecology, Medical services-outpatient clinic
Gynecology, Polyclinic
Contact info
21000 Split, HR
Area: Manuš
Tel/Fax: 021 / 346146
Responsible person: dr. Marko Mimica

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About us

Splitska polyclinic Gynenova is located in the center of the city, and was founded in 1999. of the year. The clinic since the beginning of the existence of the svg works with the doctors of the clinic for Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Hospital Centre Split. Specialists in gynaecology and obstetrics, dr Marko Mimica Drazen and Dr. Indira Kosović permanent employees of this clinic. Services offered by Gynenova are: a pelvic examination, ultrasound, aminosopija, kardiotaktografija, postkoitalni test, antenatal screening by double or triple test, Pap test, cervical outline taking for microbiological analysis, set up and removal of uterine cartridge, colposcopy, biopsy of the cervix, histerosalpingografija, Ablation of the polyp, probatorna curettage, cryotherapy, loop dijametrijskom excision of cervical and in seminacija wife of seed. Through the official website of the clinic it is possible to ask a question the doctors.

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