CONNITOR d.o.o. ART Zadar Booking

The company CONNITOR ART Zadar Booking from Zadar, Jazine 1, deals with the car rental, apartment rental, transfers of passengers
Rent a car, The rooms, apartments, accommodation, Tourism
Contact info
23000 Zadar, HR
Area: Jazine 1
Tel/Fax: 023 / 211131
Responsible person: Moris Tur

Working hours

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About us

The company CONNITOR Ltd. ART Zadar Booking offers accommodation , car rental and transfer to the city of Zadar , and along the Adriatic and the entire Croatian . The company's offerings consist of diverse tourism accommodation , and includes hotels, apartments , houses and villas with pool . Offer rent a car is divided into 14 categories of economic , luxury travel or a larger number of people . CONNITOR Ltd. ART Zadar Booking offers and transfer of passengers from the airport or sea port to the final destination and vice versa .

Contact and location
CONNITOR d.o.o. ART Zadar Booking

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