VERBA CENTAR d.o.o. prevoditelji i ovlašteni sudski tumači

VERBA is a regional Language Services Provider with an in-house team comprised of certified translators, revisers, proofreaders, editors, and project managers.
Court interpreter, Translation, proofreading
Contact info
10000 Zagreb, HR
Area: Centar
Telephone: 01 / 4576194
Fax: 01 / 4576210
Card payment: Diners, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, V-Pay
Responsible person: Vanja Keindl
Working hours
Other info
Foundation year: 2012
OIB: 71824628731
Employees: 26

Working hours

Pon - Pet : 8:00 - 17:00
Rate company:
Average rating:  4,73 / 5 (Ratings number: 11)

About us

VERBA is a translation company established in 1998 as a sole proprietorship, founded by Ms Vanja Keindl, holding master's degrees in German language and literature and Information sciences. The company changed its legal form to limited liability company in 2012, due to increased business volume. It comprises a team of translators, reviewers, language editors, certified court interpreters, and translation project managers who offer private individuals and companies high-quality linguistic services in Zagreb, Croatia.

Photo gallery

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Contact and location
VERBA CENTAR d.o.o. prevoditelji i ovlašteni sudski tumači

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