MEDIOTEHNA from Zagreb, Malešnica, deals are deals with the representation, sales and service, equipment and tools for professional use
Measuring instruments, Tools - manufacture, sale, Fire extinguishers and equipment
Contact info
10000 Zagreb, HR
Area: Knežija
Telephone: 01 / 2302725
Responsible person: Miron Sladić

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About us

The company MEDIOTEHNA driver deals with the representation, sales and service, equipment and tools for professional use of world famous brands and manufacturers. In the offer of the company there are cranes with manual drive, fasteners for the door and accessories for lifting the manufacturer of BRANO a.s., tools and accessories for the processing of metals, tools and accessories for machine tools, benchmarks, and the manual and installation tool manufacturer Hoffman GmbH, cranes and lifting equipment to the electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic drive, and a clamp and accessories for the transport of barrels, pipes, machinery, boats manufacturer Planet Hebetechnik GmbH , magnets for the manipulation of loads, magnetic clamping devices and brackets and demagnetizatori manufacturers-FLAIG GmbH, platforms for high-altitude work, telescopic lifts, scaffolds and brzomontažne Al scaffold manufacturer of UpRight Ltd., instruments for measuring the hardness of metals and non-metals, equipment for ultrasonic testing and analogue and digital scales with the length and shape of the manufacturer Wilson & Wolpert-TIME Technology Europe, and cutting tool for machining of metals , accessories for machine tools, Chucks and devices for tools and izradke, analogue and digital scales with the length and shape of the manufacturer Ostrana-IhmbH HeRRo.

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