Company SEMAFOR d.o.o. located in Zagreb, Malešnica offers the following services: The installation works, Traffic signals
Signs, signaling equipment, Electrical installations
Contact info
10000 Zagreb, HR
Area: Malešnica
Telephone: 01 / 3730228
Responsible person: Helena Ličina

Working hours

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About us

The company Semafor from Zagreb is the traffic light signs . Here is the contract between the General Agents Scoreboard - and the Slovenian company Iskra Systems Distribution traffic light signal device microprocessor technology MIC 60 , which is a proof of quality and trust . The offerings are automated traffic management , which greatly contribute to the regulation of traffic in urban centers . The above-mentioned device , MIC 60 is a top device whose specialty is the compatibility with other devices . Here are walking pushbuttons , traffic light lanterns , timer remaining time duration signals , speed indicators , Krinner based ( quick installation , saving ) , and Set - Net surveillance system. The company's services include the maintenance of traffic lights , while the proof of the quality certificate ISO 9001. The company Semafor is performed during its existence ( and running ) on hundreds of signaling works in a number of Croatian cities .

Contact and location
SEMAFOR d.o.o.

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