Company GEOOPERATIVA d.o.o. from Zagreb, Trešnjevka deals with Geodetic services
Geodetic services - services, equipment
Contact info
10000 Zagreb, HR
Area: Trešnjevka
Telephone: 01 / 3095906
Responsible person: Krešimir Klarić

Working hours

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Average rating:  4,71 / 5 (Ratings number: 7)

About us

The company Geooperativa was founded in 1992 in Zagreb and it deals with the izvodenjem of geodetic jobs such as geodetic surveying, production of special geodetic, of subdivision, the registration in the land registry, cadastre and registration of underground power lines, in the cadastre of underground installations, monitoring of construction objects and geodetic monitoring and many other services. He also owns the most modern surveying equipment and sofware to successfully carry out the most demanding tasks of surveying and with many years of experience and a team of experts will ensure superior quality services.

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